Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme
(Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme)
Chilli, chilli, chilli, chilli
(Chilli, chilli, chilli, chilli)
Likcki licki. licki. licki
(Likcki licki. licki. licki)
Chick, chick, chick, chickey
(Chick, chick, chick, chickey)
I'm so hungry, in Bombay
I need some good food from Bollywood
My racha food is very good
But the Indian cook miss understood
It burns, burns, burns
Indian curry is so hot
It burns, burns, burns
Burns like fire oh my good
It burns, burns, burns
I drink and drink but it won’t stop
It burns, burns, burns
In my mouth and tomorrow in my but.
On the next day of my holiday
It was so gory on my lavatory
Ca Guta food is not so good, it’s not made for the tourist group
It burns, burns, burns
Indian curry is so hot
It burns, burns, burns
Burns like fire oh my good
It burns, burns, burns
I drink and drink but it won’t stop
It burns, burns, burns
In my mouth and tomorrow in my but
It burns, burns, burns
(it burns, burns, burns)
In my mouth and tomorrow in my but
It burns, burns, burns
Indian curry is so hot
It burns, burns, burns
Burns like fire oh my good
It burns, burns, burns
I drink and drink but it won’t stop
It burns, burns, burns
In my mouth and tomorrow in my but
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